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FAUX News and SC GOP freeze Hunter out of Debate

Posted by sierrascrapper on January 10, 2008

From: Mike Dixon
Subject: SC Debate

I feel obligated to let you know that the SC Republican Party in conjunction with Fox News is not allowing Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter into the the South Carolina debate tomorrow night.

Bill O’Reilly said last week on his show that Duncan Hunter would be in the debate. The state party informed us today that he would not be allowed into the debate. The SC GOP blames Fox News. I personally believe that the state party could make it happen if they would.
Duncan Hunter is a qualified candidate who has shaped the debate in this presidential race for the Republican Nomination. Consider the facts:
  • from day one Hunter has campaigned to secure the border and fight illegal immigration. He wrote the Border Fence legistation that was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. With the exception of Tancredo none of the other candidates started talking about this issue until the end of March 2007. Hunter was running television ads about this in December 2006.
  • from day one Hunter has campaigned against the unfair trade practices of China and pledged to negotiate fair trade deals. Only with in the past couple of weeks have any of the other candidates mentioned this. CONSIDER THE MANUFACTURING JOBS SOUTH CAROLINIANS HAVE LOST!
  • from day one Hunter has campaigned for a fair tax. He co-sponsored the fair tax legislation
  • from day one Hunter has campigned for a strong national defense, peace through strength. No one knows defense better than Duncan Hunter, the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee.
I do not know of anything we can do to get Congressman Hunter into the SC Debate short of a lawsuit to stop the debate until Hunter is allowed into the debate. I suggest phone calls and e-mails to the state party and Fox News. Also, you can refuse to buy tickets to the debate and or debate events.
Call the South Carolina Republican Party at 1-800-215-2344 or go to SCgop.com for contact information. Also, go to FoxNews.com to contact Fox News. I have sent an e-mail to Bill O’Reilly.
I ask that you stand with us as we continue to fight for what is right.


Realize this America, FOX News and the other mainstream media outlets are forcing you to be like SHEEP.  Don’t be blinded by what is happening here.  The MSM wants you to pick a liberal Republican.  They want a President who is a push-over who will lead our country close to how the Dems would do it.  Think about this, at each debate, Hunter has not been given his fair share of time.  The media has only focused on the LIBERAL candidates.  That is because they are afraid of Hunter and how he would turn our nation back in the right direction.  Hunter stands for all the conservative values that we uphold.  The media doesn’t want to accept the fact that Hunter is not a QUITTER and that he will fight to the very end.

I always hear complaints about the fact that Hunter doesn’t have name recognition.  Who do you think is responsible for that???  You can be sure that the MSM and the LIBERAL candidates are the ones banding together to keep out the MOST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE running for President.  Republican voters are longing for another President like Reagan.   That candidate is DUNCAN HUNTER.  He became a Congressman as Reagan became President.   Hunter learned how to represent our nation from one of our most treasured leaders.

Posted in conservatism, duncan hunter, elections, politics, presidential candidates, Presidential Debates, Ronald Reagan | Leave a Comment »